100% Certified Australian wagyu Steaks

Blevins Wagyu Beef

Since 2014

The world's greatest steak!

100% Certified A5 Japanese wagyu Steaks

Real customer photos!

USDA Inspected Alabama Prime

 Wagyu Beef

Our Wagyu Steaks grade well above the USDA Prime Standards and are high in flavor with an incomparable richness, all while being suitable for a well-balanced, low cholesterol diet. 

WAGYU Breed History in USA

  • Wagyu cattle were first imported in 1975 when two black and two red bulls were imported by Morris Whitney. In 1989 the Japanese began to reduce their tariffs on imported beef and that encouraged U.S. producers to produce a high quality product for Japan. In the 1990’s there were several importations of quality Wagyu. Most were black, but a few were Red Wagyu. These cattle have the greatest influence on the U.S. herd and those in many other countries.
  • Most US production was exported to Japan until 2003 when BSE was discovered and Japan and other countries stopped the import of beef for the U.S. However, chefs and others in the U.S. were aware of the superior eating quality of Wagyu and the domestic market then and now utilize much of the U.S. production.

The unique taste and tenderness of highly marbled Wagyu beef makes for an unrivalled eating experience. That is why Wagyu beef is finding its way into the repertoires of Gourmet cooks and fine restaurants across the US.

What makes Blevins Wagyu Beef different?

Genetics and Quality

We offer only the highest-quality Wagyu beef – from animals raised humanely on our local farm. We invite you to visit our operation and see for yourself.

Experienced usda processor

We have partnered with McBride Meats Co., in South Pittsburg, Tn. They provide the Quality and experience needed to perfect our requirements.

100% Grain-Fed

Our calves are offered hay and grain at birth. At 14 months they are 100% Grain-fed out for 240 to 360 days. Yes, they get massages, listen to music, and get a daily dose of local made beer!

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